Forums - guile combos needed sf hyper fighting tzw mp3 please? Show all 30 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- guile combos needed sf hyper fighting tzw mp3 please? ( Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:18:2002 04:21 PM: guile combos needed sf hyper fighting tzw mp3 please? i would like srk to put tzw vol 7 combo vid in the multimedia section i would greatly appreciate it since iam an old school street fighter fan.Also if anyone here knows any 6 hit combos for guile against other fighters rather than only zangeif any help would appreciated on any of these matters Posted by anti-ryu on 01:19:2002 02:12 AM: Re: guile combos needed sf hyper fighting tzw mp3 please? quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner i would like srk to put tzw vol 7 combo vid in the multimedia section i would greatly appreciate it since iam an old school street fighter fan.Also if anyone here knows any 6 hit combos for guile against other fighters rather than only zangeif any help would appreciated on any of these matters forget it !guile suck in sagat instead! Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:19:2002 02:38 PM: you are crazy and no sagat can beat my hf guile Posted by Crayfish on 01:20:2002 01:17 AM: Go to: then Media/SF2/ then movie GuileHF. Crayfish. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:20:2002 01:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner you are crazy and no sagat can beat my hf guile then u are still hf newbie.......sagat and honda can own guile for free in hf........and u still not meet a gd honda player........ Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:21:2002 09:35 PM: ha duc fierce will take out any of his attacks all i would have to do is throw a jab sonicboom followed up by jump forward and he is dead honda doesn't even have a projectile.I have been playing hf since 94 and have never stopped I've beaten it on the hardest level with out using a continue or losing a round and they ain't no combo that i can't do.The only character that can beat guile in hf is ryu because it isn't easy to duc fierce throw his hurricane kick.Ken's hurricane kick is weaker therefore he =dead and fireball traps with these to jokers doesn't work against my guile i simply wait for the fierce fireball and jump straight up.Besides I can flash kick will blocking low attacks this is something shotos can't do because the motion for the dragon punch would be impossible to get out while in block stun.So there any other character = dead so there Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:21:2002 09:37 PM: thanks crayfish but i already have all of them along with every other old school sf media that i could find Posted by anti-ryu on 01:22:2002 04:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner ha duc fierce will take out any of his attacks all i would have to do is throw a jab sonicboom followed up by jump forward and he is dead honda doesn't even have a projectile.I have been playing hf since 94 and have never stopped I've beaten it on the hardest level with out using a continue or losing a round and they ain't no combo that i can't do.The only character that can beat guile in hf is ryu because it isn't easy to duc fierce throw his hurricane kick.Ken's hurricane kick is weaker therefore he =dead and fireball traps with these to jokers doesn't work against my guile i simply wait for the fierce fireball and jump straight up.Besides I can flash kick will blocking low attacks this is something shotos can't do because the motion for the dragon punch would be impossible to get out while in block stun.So there any other character = dead so there u are own guile in hf coz he just trade more damage than guile does......sonic?u eat the sumo splash dive......low forward???honda 's low strong own it. sagat's fb is a pain in guile's ass....u can't backhand the low tiger.....u can conter with the hopping kick but it is still dun help any......dun forget his tu coz 25% of to how suck is the fk damage from yours.... i am hongkong hf master which play sf2t from 1992.........i suggest u play all 12 fighters in hf.....the game is balance.....if u only know how to use ryu or guile,u dead....i masterd all 12 fighters. Posted by Cletus Kasady on 01:22:2002 04:31 AM: then U know that Dhalsim to drill kicky to roll cancel then SUPER dead sagat who sux. Seriously, STFU. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:22:2002 05:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cletus Kasady then U know that Dhalsim to drill kicky to roll cancel then SUPER dead sagat who sux. Seriously, STFU. wtf u are talkin about?st?we are talkin hf........hf sagat is top tier!!!st sagat suck ass!hf sim super dead sagat????when does capcom add sc to hf???? btw,i forget chunli and sim own guile in sf2t too......this is why i think guile suck in hf. Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:22:2002 03:50 PM: you obviously can't play guile and i don't care if you are hongkong champ guile is the shizzie.Guile has practically no lag time after throwing the boom no other character has this.I can link a whole match and keep any character in reel stun and if he flinches he is dead.Example of this technique lets say i score a knock down with guile via a duc roundhouse since i always play charged i would throw a jab boom so when ken is getting up his only option is to either block or do wakeup dragon punch.All this time while he is getting up i am already in the air at a range beyond his dragon but close enough for me to hit him.Now if he does manage to do wakeup dragon at the perfect time which would allow the boom to be avoided by the way this tecnique is very difficult to do.Anyway his fierce dp,s dp or j dp will miss because i have not commited totally to my jump and if he misses he is dead.Now if he blocks he is even more dead you may say how is he dead i will now explain.After blocking ken is in reel stun for a couple of plit seconds an can't move.Here is were i come in note some of these blocked hits would not score as a combo but the key is to keep your opponent in block stun as long as possible while draining life.Jump in with short kick duc jab boom duc short boom duc forward boom knee bazooka boom and i can go on and on with this type of linking and you can either block until your dead or don't block in which i would quickly hit you with attacks that quikly dizzie.If their is a good amount of life left i would finish you with miss knee bazooka close duc jab boom duc short standing fierce boom backfist= graveyard.This strategy works against every character espeacilly e charge splash please its all about the jab buddy i would simply stand and block then duc jab boom duc short duc forward and then wait and see if you would do it again because you would be out of reel stun from the duc forward and could attack again then i would simply flash kick the cracker.Sagat please who in their right mind would stand up to back slap a duc tiger shot i would simply phase out the tiger shots with booms and upward jumps and knee bazookas till i see the fool throw a fierce duc or stand tiger shot his recover time is crap then i would jump in =dead.Dead in this case means jf,sf,boom,backfist DEAD so there shut to hell up newbie PLEEEEEEEEESE Posted by anti-ryu on 01:23:2002 01:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner you obviously can't play guile and i don't care if you are hongkong champ guile is the shizzie.Guile has practically no lag time after throwing the boom no other character has this.I can link a whole match and keep any character in reel stun and if he flinches he is dead.Example of this technique lets say i score a knock down with guile via a duc roundhouse since i always play charged i would throw a jab boom so when ken is getting up his only option is to either block or do wakeup dragon punch.All this time while he is getting up i am already in the air at a range beyond his dragon but close enough for me to hit him.Now if he does manage to do wakeup dragon at the perfect time which would allow the boom to be avoided by the way this tecnique is very difficult to do.Anyway his fierce dp,s dp or j dp will miss because i have not commited totally to my jump and if he misses he is dead.Now if he blocks he is even more dead you may say how is he dead i will now explain.After blocking ken is in reel stun for a couple of plit seconds an can't move.Here is were i come in note some of these blocked hits would not score as a combo but the key is to keep your opponent in block stun as long as possible while draining life.Jump in with short kick duc jab boom duc short boom duc forward boom knee bazooka boom and i can go on and on with this type of linking and you can either block until your dead or don't block in which i would quickly hit you with attacks that quikly dizzie.If their is a good amount of life left i would finish you with miss knee bazooka close duc jab boom duc short standing fierce boom backfist= graveyard.This strategy works against every character espeacilly e charge splash please its all about the jab buddy i would simply stand and block then duc jab boom duc short duc forward and then wait and see if you would do it again because you would be out of reel stun from the duc forward and could attack again then i would simply flash kick the cracker.Sagat please who in their right mind would stand up to back slap a duc tiger shot i would simply phase out the tiger shots with booms and upward jumps and knee bazookas till i see the fool throw a fierce duc or stand tiger shot his recover time is crap then i would jump in =dead.Dead in this case means jf,sf,boom,backfist DEAD so there shut to hell up newbie PLEEEEEEEEESE sb is no lar time?u fool!in hf ryu and ken can always jump and kick u when u sb...not to mention a well-played ryu can own guile for free.sagat,chun,honda and een bison also give guile a pain in his ass. i played sf2 about 10 yrs and i can finish hf or st arcade with any chars.u are too stupid when u only master few chars...kid! Posted by tactics108 on 01:23:2002 01:52 AM: well i consider myself a fairly accomplished old school street fighter player, and guile is one of my best characters. while i haven't played HF in a long tome i'm fairly certain the jab sonic boom trap is not in escapable, as was already said honda can sumo smash through the sonic boom, or even trade with a last second jab head butt(i don't remember if this trades or hits clean) as it has invinciblility frames. as was already said though this game is balanced and if you adhere to that statement, the winner will be the better player not the better character. it is fairly balanced, but not completely, guile does have a tough time against a good sagat, as well as a good ryu iirc. anyways i think there were some tzw combos at and at, also not videos but a tzw combofaq at by sf2freak? i think thats who wrote it. um...ok i just looked something up for you guys, in the hyper fighting guide put together by capcom and gamepro magazine they have the following rankings: 1. Guile 2. Ryu, Sagat (tied) 4. Zangief, Ken, Chun Li (tied) 7. Honda 8. Blanka 9. vega 10. balrog 11. dhalsim 12. m.bison these were based on tournaments that took place in California ot the time, i would somewhat disagree with some rankings things have changed since then also in the guide there is an interview with the legendary sf player Tomo Ohira, this guy had a manager?, it's funny because he talks about mike watson a name still recognizable in today's sf world... anyway he gives his personal rankings as: 1. guile 2. ryu 3. sagat 4. blanka 5. ken 6. dhalsim 7. chun li 8. gief 9. balrog 10. e. honda 11. vega 12. m. bison incidentally this is one of the better guides i've come to own, and was published in 1993-enjoy Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:23:2002 01:34 PM: you definately can't play hf guile can recover from a sandball quiker than anyone else that is why he is one of few characters that can't follow sandballs and then combo only chun li can also do this and she has to be far from the other opponent.Of course i can play every character but a don't care to because their game play is very boring .Besides the kind of competators i play against can play extremely well and i usually have to play against ken or ryu so therefore any other charaters other than guile are dead.I wish i could play you buddy i meet people like you all the time who tell me guile=crap i think it is because you can't get him played.Reading over the game with every character who gives a crap that doesn't prove anything.Anyway i am tired of arguing i'll start another thread and see if i can get proper opinions other than the crap you are talking Posted by tactics108 on 01:23:2002 09:03 PM: GP: were you talking to anti-ryu? I basically did support your position that guile is perhaps the best, and gave you places to look for some of the stuff you wanted. anyways try to keep in mind things develop differently in other places, in anti-ryu's situation this seems to be the case. it should be fun to talk about sf anyways, you won't always be agreed with but different points of view are what make things interesting and lead to new discoveries. as far as the sonic-booms(i think you were talking about the sonic-boom), you're right there is very little recovery, allowing him to follow them up, yet, as i said before there are ways to get out of his trap, or avoid follow ups. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:24:2002 02:49 AM: ryu and honda japan team beat everyone in hf.and i think chunli should rank higher than guile coz she is known to beat guile in hf. btw,dun underestimate rog!!!!!he is just back with vengence in hf! Posted by gilley on 01:24:2002 05:54 AM: Yeah, go to and check out my Guile combo movies I made a few years ago. They are some of the most nastiest combos you have ever seen. They are also some of the hardest combos for any game, EVER! Don't expect to be pulling these off in a real match cause it wont happen. Besides, just about every single combo you see in the videos works ONLY on Zangief. My personal favorite is the CE guile combo movie. SB,wiffknee,SB,c.jab,s.jab,SB,c.short,s.strong,FK is just TOO GOOD! Oh yeah, BTW, I pulled off all these combos by myself. No gameshark/cheats were enabled. If you can't get the combos off, don't worry about it, just trust me, the combo works Oh yeah, I'm also working on more TZW Guile combos for SSF2 and SSF2T. It's gonna be a long time before anyone sees them though, cause I'm too busy to work on more. Here's a sample.... SB,wiff knee,SB,c.jab,c.jab,s.jab,SUPER SB,wiff knee,SB,c.short,c.short,s.short,SB,backfist(old/SSF2 Guile) Posted by anti-ryu on 01:24:2002 09:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by gilley Yeah, go to and check out my Guile combo movies I made a few years ago. They are some of the most nastiest combos you have ever seen. They are also some of the hardest combos for any game, EVER! Don't expect to be pulling these off in a real match cause it wont happen. Besides, just about every single combo you see in the videos works ONLY on Zangief. My personal favorite is the CE guile combo movie. SB,wiffknee,SB,c.jab,s.jab,SB,c.short,s.strong,FK is just TOO GOOD! Oh yeah, BTW, I pulled off all these combos by myself. No gameshark/cheats were enabled. If you can't get the combos off, don't worry about it, just trust me, the combo works Oh yeah, I'm also working on more TZW Guile combos for SSF2 and SSF2T. It's gonna be a long time before anyone sees them though, cause I'm too busy to work on more. Here's a sample.... SB,wiff knee,SB,c.jab,c.jab,s.jab,SUPER SB,wiff knee,SB,c.short,c.short,s.short,SB,backfist(old/SSF2 Guile) guile suck Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:24:2002 02:43 PM: that is great gilley i have all the ones you did and if you think they are hard on playstation supernes is crazy the game slows down so much your timing has to be perfect.I would like some help with this combo against ryu or ken the timing is crazy close sonic boom duc short close fierce boom backfist.Any help would be appreciated greatly gilley I almost forgot you suck anti-ryu Posted by gilley on 01:25:2002 08:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner that is great gilley i have all the ones you did and if you think they are hard on playstation supernes is crazy the game slows down so much your timing has to be perfect.I would like some help with this combo against ryu or ken the timing is crazy close sonic boom duc short close fierce boom backfist.Any help would be appreciated greatly gilley I almost forgot you suck anti-ryu OK, I assume you mean SB,c.short,S.fierce,SB,backfist(in my notation) First off, do you know what the CPS1 chain is? Alot of people don't, I'll explain. This is a glitch that was only possible in the old CPS1 Capcom games(hence the name). So with Ryu for example, he can "chain" a c.short to a c.fierce by pressing d+short,d+short+fierce. Normally Ryu can't link a c.short to a c.fierce, but this glitch enables him and alot of other people to do this. Not only can they do c.short,c.fierce they can also do c.short,s.fierce. This CPS1 chain is the key to getting out alot of the Guile combos. Excuse me if you already knew of this chain/glitch. OK, 2nd thing you must understand is about throwing SB's. Everyone knows to throw a SB you must charge B for 2 seconds then press F+P. FORGET ABOUT THROWING SB'S THIS WAY! Do it this way.....CB 2 sec,F,B+P By doing this, you are effectively charging for your next SB before the 1st SB EVEN COMES OUT!!! So....lemme explain how I would do that combo you asked me about....... For the 1st SB, do that "special" motion for doing his SB(cb,f,b+p). Then once it connects press DB+short. By going to DB, you are still keeping your SB charge. Now roll the joystick from DB to B and press short+fierce(cause u have to use the CPS1 chain). Now press F+fierce for the 2nd SB. And finally press fierce once more for the backfist. If you notice, the key to getting the 2nd SB out, is too maintain that charge throughout the c.short,s.fierce part. Learn how to do the c.short,s.fierce CPS1 chain by rolling the stick from DB to B. I do this ALOT in my combo movies. Notice the 1st combo I do to Zangief each time to get him dizzy. The combo is something like j.short,c.short,s.fierce,FK. I roll the stick from DB+short,B+short+fierce,UB+release short+fierce(for the FK). Anyways, hope this helped out. Posted by Dasrik on 01:25:2002 09:43 AM: To GPfinalwinner: I question your experience. A fireball is not sufficient to win in HF. Guile is a charge character and in order to do his magic he either has to be on the retreat or sitting in one spot. Honda can take advantage of this by being all over Guile. If Guile throws a sonic boom, it's Honda's cue to do one of three things: * sumo splash (positioning advantage and possible grab afterward) * jump (no flash kick threat, so just forward/rh, or strong/fierce if Guile jumps after you) * block (sometimes we all have to block. Guile will probably follow the boom, so be prepared to block low and maybe headbutt a high poke) The sonic boom has increased lag afterward in HF, not like in WW where he's available almost as soon as he whips the thing out. He can block, but he is not getting a c.fierce in time to avoid eating flab. There are other advantages Honda has as well. C.Strong basically puts an end to Guile's c.forward poking fests. A sacrifical s.rh can trip up Guile if he tries to poke after a Boom (you'll knock Guile down, take the boom, and not be too bad off). Jab headbutt and s.fierce own the hell out of Guile's air-to-ground offense. And short flash kick is a great deal of a risky way to get out of grabby into slappy (and if Honda calls you on it and lets it whiff, he gets a grab for FREE, not like Ryu/Ken who can sometimes escape with jab DPs and be out of grab range). Summary: Patience and offense mean Honda can win this fight. I have a lot of experience with Guile, but I haven't seen top Honda vs. top Guile, so I don't really know how this fight bears out in the end. Still, it's not Honda v. shotos, which is hella mismatched. Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:25:2002 02:14 PM: Dasrik honda has no projectile his jumps are crap guile can duc fierce him out of a sumo splash if it is not directly on top.What are you talking about his duc strong can take out my duc forward the way i play guile he can't as i said before i don't attack until i throw a boom then i simply run behind it using the boom as cover then wait and see what my opponent does nuff said as i play my syle of doing this changes but i always do it sometimes i don't need to but anyway as i said before no honda can own my guile i am just to good of a guile player i still play my snes even to this day and have been playing hf since it first came out ok gilley thanks for the advice i didn't no about the cps1 chain but the sonic boom part i had that style wired for years i get back to the charge position before the boom comes out but on the snes the game slows down badly and i guess my 12 year old controllers don't work like they should anyways i'll still get it out.Almost forgot i made up a killer combo i don't no if this combo will work on the ps hf version because distance is very important for getting geif with the wake up back of the head sonicboom. anyway i played the i played the ps hf version and the first part of the combo couldn't work because guile was to close in to throw the boom but anyway if you can replace my first start of combo which has to end with duc forward so you can charge the boom.Distance do the combo in guile's stage so you will know if you are at the right distance. NOW here is the sonic killer combo I only did it against geif so i don't no if it will work on other fighters that can be hit with back of the head booms. Start with geif in corner Now jp forward,duc jab,sonicboom,duc forward keep charging this first combo makes him dizzy hesitate for a split second then throw the a sonicboom this hits back of the head,miss knee bazooka,sonicboom,duc jab,stand jab,sonicboom,duc forward,duc forward now he is dizzy for the second time and the two forwards should have pushed you back just to the begining of the star symbol on the runway now geif dies while still charging now throw a jab sonicboom,miss knee bazooka,jab sonicboom,miss knee bazooka,jab soniboom,miss knee ooka,sonicboom,duc fierce=dead.Well there it is a combo that links until gief is dead the key to doing it is just a matter of distance the last knee barely misses but it doesn't connect.See if you can pull that one gilley and put it on one of your new combo vids. edmond honda please Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:25:2002 02:21 PM: Dasrik honda has no projectile his jumps are crap guile can duc fierce him out of a sumo splash if it is not directly on top.What are you talking about his duc strong can take out my duc forward the way i play guile he can't as i said before i don't attack until i throw a boom then i simply run behind it using the boom as cover then wait and see what my opponent does nuff said as i play my syle of doing this changes but i always do it sometimes i don't need to but anyway as i said before no honda can own my guile i am just to good of a guile player i still play my snes even to this day and have been playing hf since it first came out ok gilley thanks for the advice i didn't no about the cps1 chain but the sonic boom part i had that style wired for years i get back to the charge position before the boom comes out but on the snes the game slows down badly and i guess my 12 year old controllers don't work like they should anyways i'll still get it out.Almost forgot i made up a killer combo i don't no if this combo will work on the ps hf version because distance is very important for getting geif with the wake up back of the head sonicboom. anyway i played the ps hf version and the first part of the combo couldn't work because guile was to close in to throw the boom but anyway if you can replace my first start of combo which has to end with duc forward so you can charge the boom.Distance, do the combo in guile's stage so you will know if you are at the right distance. NOW here is the sonic killer combo I only did it against geif so i don't no if it will work on other fighters that can be hit with back of the head booms. Start with geif in corner Now jp forward,duc jab,sonicboom,duc forward keep charging this first combo makes him dizzy hesitate for a split second then throw a sonicboom this hits back of the head,miss knee bazooka,sonicboom,duc jab,stand jab,sonicboom,duc forward,duc forward now he is dizzy for the second time and the two forwards should have pushed you back just to the begining of the star symbol on the runway now geif dies, while still charging now throw a jab sonicboom,miss knee bazooka,jab sonicboom,miss knee bazooka,jab soniboom,miss knee ,sonicboom,duc fierce=dead.Well there it is a combo that links until gief is dead the key to doing it is just a matter of distance the last knee barely misses but it doesn't connect.See if you can pull that one gilley and put it on one of your new combo vids. edmond honda please Posted by Dasrik on 01:25:2002 11:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner Dasrik honda has no projectile his jumps are crap guile can duc fierce him out of a sumo splash if it is not directly on top. Not if he's thrown a sonic boom. Honda jumps on reaction, a c.fierce will not come out in time. Don't question my experience. I played Guiles often, and I still play Guiles all the time at Golfland. quote: What are you talking about his duc strong can take out my duc forward the way i play guile he can't as i said before i don't attack until i throw a boom then i simply run behind it using the boom as cover then wait and see what my opponent does nuff said as i play my syle of doing this changes but i always do it sometimes i don't need to I never said Honda owns Guile; but Guile does not own Honda. You can't throw a sonic boom if Honda's not doing anything, because he'll just jump over it and be on top of you. You have to get him to move or commit himself to doing something so you can throw the boom and he won't have time to jump over it before you recover. It's not easy because Honda doesn't really ever have to do anything Guile EXCEPT when he throws the boom. quote: but anyway as i said before no honda can own my guile i am just to good of a guile player i still play my snes even to this day and have been playing hf since it first came out SNES with your friends doesn't count as experience. Sorry. Where do you live? If you live near SHGL, I'll play you. I don't do Callus. Posted by margalis on 01:25:2002 11:48 PM: To echo what Dasrik is saying...when Guile throws a boom his air defense has problems. Think about it, if this WASN'T the case Guile would beat every non-fireball character FOR FREE. Just boom and anti-air them when they jump in, you can't lose! IMO this match is best played like the shotos play it, only a sucky ghetto version. You can throw a boom from far away, and when honda jumps over either meet him in the air with roundhouse OR low sweep or low forward as he lands. Now, the big problem is that the shotos can low sweep Honda as he lands and be in a good position afterwards. Guile, on the other hand, has two choices. He can low sweep, but the distance is tough and if he hits he has to wait for the second half of the kick to come out. (Unless you are good enough to time it so the second hit is the one that hits - good luck) So Guile ends up recovering as Honda gets up, not fast enough to force him to block another boom and push him back like the shotos can with their fireball. Or, Guile can low forward, but it doesn't knock Honda down. So, the difference is with the shotos when Honda is 2/3+ screen away, the shotos can fireball, sweep, and repeat. With Guile he can still do the fireball, sweep, but he can't push Honda back to that range again, so he can't reset the trap. So you get the damage but now Honda has the position. At this point, you have to improvise. You need to land a Flash Kick, or force Honda to block a boom (or get hit), or possible land an air to air hit. (Like jump back rh) But you don't have a reliable way to push Honda back out. So just do your best, try to Flash Kick something, jump around like a fool, etc. I think Guile wins this fight, but it isn't nearly as lopsided as the shoto fight. Against the shotos, if Honda gets backed off he can easily take 50% damage plus before he can work his way back in. Against Guile he will most likely only take one hit before he can advance. Posted by anti-ryu on 01:26:2002 01:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner that is great gilley i have all the ones you did and if you think they are hard on playstation supernes is crazy the game slows down so much your timing has to be perfect.I would like some help with this combo against ryu or ken the timing is crazy close sonic boom duc short close fierce boom backfist.Any help would be appreciated greatly gilley I almost forgot you suck anti-ryu wtf?who u are talkin with?u only know guile ....that why u beated by my great honda!!!!!!i can own u with just any chars in hf........even bison own u for free.get lose,child..... Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:26:2002 03:07 AM: you still suck anti-ryu Posted by anti-ryu on 01:26:2002 06:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner you still suck anti-ryu i play sf2 longer than u....u stupid fucker Posted by GPfinalwinner on 01:26:2002 08:50 PM: I think you have anti-ryu also you are the greatest streetfighter ever and your honda would cream my guile.There ya happy ya big baby getting all pissed at a video game because of thrash talk.I hope this helps you now to look yourself in the miror you cracker I almost forgot you still suck Posted by anti-ryu on 01:27:2002 01:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by GPfinalwinner I think you have anti-ryu also you are the greatest streetfighter ever and your honda would cream my guile.There ya happy ya big baby getting all pissed at a video game because of thrash talk.I hope this helps you now to look yourself in the miror you cracker I almost forgot you still suck go to hell la!u only know your guile!u fuck suck All times are GMT. 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